5 Ways to Develop Life Skills While in School

5 Ways to Develop Life Skills While in School

5 Ways to Develop Life Skills While in School

We all go through the process of learning. But what gives some of us a cutting edge over others are life skills.  Adults who navigate through life with a little more ease and achieve more than others have better life skills. While there is no fixed age when one can achieve life skills, developing and harnessing them through the early years of school seems to be more beneficial to individuals.

First, we must understand what exactly are life skills. They are a set of skills that make an individual well equipped to face the challenges of life. They foster self-esteem and confidence in individuals. The correct attitude, personality traits, and rational thinking that enable individuals to sail through both smooth and troubled waters are  called life skills.

Some of the major life skills worth developing are time management, self-discipline, decision making, financial discipline, management, navigation skills, and the list goes on.

Below we will guide you on how to inculcate 5 important life skills in your child.

  1. Self-Discipline- There comes an age after which it is practically impossible to monitor every action of your child. Following a routine is very important to excel in an area. Routine is nothing but discipline. And self-disciple is all about following that routine even when no one is watching or monitoring you.

The best way to self-discipline a child is to lay down a practical routine for 5 days a week. Keep a day off in the week so that your child can relax and have a free day. Ensure your routine is not too taxing and slowly build it up as your child grows. Do not break the routine on other than relax days. Firmly but patiently implement the routine.

  1. Emotional Management- A child who learns to manage emotions and not react impulsively is less likely to battle depression and anxiety as an adult. Many of us are under the impression that children do not have control over their emotions. Which in a way is true. But training your child at a young age to deal with emotions will only benefit you later on

Every time your child cries or throws a tantrum do not try to console your child. Let the child feel pain, anger, and dissatisfaction. Explain to your child that everything can’t happen according to his/her wish.

Deny your child things that are beyond your means or difficult to arrange. Let them face rejections and disappointment and deal with them.  Watch over your child and protect them but do not fight the smallest of their battles.

  1. Financial Management- May sound like a big word to introduce to your little one, but starting young will ensure financially stable adults. Speak to your child about your financial limitations. Budget whatever your child wishes or demands. Older kids can be given pocket money depending on their parent’s financial condition. In case they want something that does not fit in that budget, ask them to save up and buy it after a month or two. Inculcate the habit of saving. Buy your child a piggy bank.
  2. Self-reliance – The ability to complete a task when there is no help is called self-reliance. To inculcate this among children it is necessary to start young. Pick up one daily chore and assign your child to complete it. Persuade your child and make him/her feel responsible for the task. In case the job is not done do not finish it for your child. Wait for the child to complete the task.
  3. Decision-making skills- Life is full of decisions.  Instinctively we tend to make decisions for our children. We doubt their ability to make the right decisions. Entrust your child with smaller decision-making powers. Let them reap the repercussions of a wrong decision. That’s the only way to enable them to think rationally and make correct decisions.  Make surely you guide them through the thought process of making the correct decision. If your child has a sore throat and still insists on an ice-cream, explain how the ice cream will worsen his/her condition.

Numerous life skills can be taught to children while still in school. Young minds are like clay that adapt and learn quickly. Schools should ensure that life skills are taught along with the regular curriculum or inculcated subtly.

Let’s focus on building stable individuals!