Tips to reduce screen time for your child

Tips to reduce screen time for your child

Tips to reduce screen time for your child

The current generation has a wide range of technology to engage in.  Television, tablets, smartphones, and computers have the power to capture your child’s attention like nothing else.

So, at times, we are tempted to let children use technology to keep them silent for a while. But this tends to become a habit in most children.

While there are many benefits of technological literacy at an early age, it comes with its downside too. The simple rule of life applies here - anything in excess is bad.

Excessive media time reduces the attention span of a child, there is a rise in obesity since children spend hours in one place, many children lack social interaction abilities since time is spent only with the gadget, most children are subjected to bullying, etc over social media platforms, some are exposed to adult content at an early age since there is open access to the internet and many more such ill-effects. Therefore, we bring to you tips on how to reduce and monitor screen time for your children.

  1. Set an example- Before you try to regulate your children’s screen time, set an example by not spending excessive screen time yourself.
  2. Ensure kids mode- Make an effort to have a child lock or child mode enabled on your OTT settings or phone settings when your child is using it.
  3. Earn it- Make screen time a privilege that needs to be earned. Provide screen time only after a child has finished a day's assigned work or task.
  4. Screen-free zones- Try and keep the TV, laptop, etc away from your child’s sleeping, studying, and playing place.
  5. Reduce the options- Multiple screens in one home give options to children to watch exclusive content as and when they like. Try and have one TV etc
  6. Provide alternatives- Children want excitement and entertainment. If you don’t oraganise healthy options they will opt for the easiest one- screen time. Plan a trip to the zoo, a walk in the jungle, or a trek up the hill. Enroll them to learn a sport, music, or dance.
  7. Introduce them to the wonders of nature- Nature can help restore what man destroys. Teach them about gardening, butterflies, and honey.
  8. Monitor- Never leave a child alone with a remote. Always monitor what your child is watching.
  9. Change in behaviour- Notice behavioural changes. If you find your child sulking, irritated, or violent find out what he or she is watching or who they are interacting with over social media platforms.
  10. Read- Encourage a habit to read. Start with reading a book to your child. Create interest in picture books. Books are a great alternative to screen time.